The drum filter is the center of the holistic inBlue concept. It is not about being a better filter in terms of direct particle filtration performance. It is about delivering the best total water and air quality in an environmentally responsible way. The first of two main advantages are super low water and energy consumption due to gravity operation. The second is, that particles are filtered out constantly instead of being dissolved by chlorine and hot water, staying for days and weeks in sand and precoat filters. If particles dissolve, they will be chlorinated and contribute to the harmful chlorine by-products. On the positive side, the balance tanks are clean, no cleaning required, and no prefilters are needed before the main pumps.
The drum filter is installed directly after the gutter to catch skin cells and other particles before the balance tank, pumps, and other handling that causes dissolving. It is not using any energy under filtration, only during flush. A flush takes around 10 seconds, the interval between flushes is automatic based on bather load, i.e. the water level rise inside the drum due to clogging. The filter operates by gravity with head around 0,3 meter. The drum filters are available in various sizes, which allows for optimal adaptation to custom filtration requirements.
The gravity operated inBlue drum filter uses a factor 10 to 100 less energy than conventional sand or DE filters. Since only a fraction of the water needs to be filtered by sand or DE filters, the overall energy consumption decreases drastically. Most of the water simply can be pumped directly back into the pool from the balance tank. Typically, 75% of the water is returned directly to the pool without further filtration, and the rest is filtered through sand or DE filters.
Download brochureThe inBlue solution is a revolutionary way of improving the water and air quality in swimming pools, while reducing energy and water consumption. Hundreds of individually optimized aspects are combined to achieve the “no by-product” goal. Learn how it works by clicking the button below.
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